historicumSEARCH is the central research portal of historicum.net. Subject bibliographies, subject sections of relevant library catalogs and full-text data sources can be searched simultaneously. historicumSEARCH primarily lists historical research literature. Special research offers from historicum.net such as the German Historical Bibliography, review platforms of the recensio group or data sources on the history of technology, natural sciences and the environment are also integrated into historicumSEARCH.
In terms of content, the portal is designed to be geographically comprehensive and focuses primarily on the Middle Ages. In addition to research, it often also provides access to the titles researched. Ideally, direct electronic access is offered.
The historicumSEARCH search portal replaces the previous “European History” literature search. The number of integrated databases will be gradually increased and functionalities and ease of use improved.
Historical sources can be searched specifically in virtual / digital libraries such as Word Digital Library, Europeana, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek or Archivportal-D. They offer access to countless objects from libraries, archives and museums.