historicumSEARCH is the central research portal of historicum.net. Subject bibliographies, subject sections of relevant library catalogs and full-text data sources can be searched simultaneously. In terms of content, the search portal covers worldwide history from the early Middle Ages onwards. In addition to research, it often also provides access to the titles researched.
» Learn more about historicumSEARCH
The German Historical Bibliography (DHB) lists publications on German history from the early Middle Ages onwards. It also includes publications by German historians without reference to German history. Research is facilitated by filter options for individual topics, regions, epochs and publication types. The DHB also provides access to the listed publications.
» Learn more about German Historical Bibliography
GNTUsearch is a special search service for the history of science, technology and the environment. Relevant information offered by the Deutsches Museum as well as specialist bibliographies, article databases and full texts can be searched simultaneously. In many cases, it also provides access to the researched titles.
» Learn more abaout GNTUsearch